Donnerubin crowned 2011 Level 1 Horse of the Year Champion.
“Donnerubin crowned 2011 Level 1 Horse of the Year Champion. He scored over 70% in three of his tests, the Championship final he was given the staggering score of 83% by the Judge at C, over 10% ahead of most of the field. The class numbers were very high with 52 entered and the classes running for the entire day to competition was tough! Read about it here.
Championship record so far:
2009 Horse of the Year Champion
Colt under 4yrs as a future Sire of
performance horses (as a 2 year
2008 Horse of the Year 3rd in
Colt under 4yrs as a future Sire of
performance horses (as a yearling!)
2007-2009 - Champion Young Sporthorse
under 4years old at numerous
A&P shows
We have very high aspirations for Donnerubin
as both a sire of future champions and in his
own competitive dressage career. We feel
absolutely privileged to secure his purchase
and importation as a weanling. It is our aim to
give back to our sport by making his Stud fee
affordable so that any discerning breeders in
NZ can enjoy a “Donnerubin” foal.